You are welcome to contact Laura to discussed and order commissioned artworks. Some of the art on these pages is still available, but if you see something that you like, she can create an artwork that pleases you. In addition to paintings, there are also stained glass designs, painted glass, mosaics, digital art, and more.

St. Francis of Assisi Tiffany Glass

 The Saint Who Loved All Animals

 He renounced wealth for poverty.

 We chose to honour Saint Francis of Assisi for the book entitled The Little Flowers of Saint Francis of Assisi. In Ugolino's book, St. Francis advocates for poverty and rejection of property. Ugolino tells stories of St. Francis's sermon to the birds, of the Wolf of Gubbio, and more. This book is important for its teachings about how to love God and how to enjoy life.  


 The Canticle of the Creatures                                  

By Saint Francis

The calligraphy above is by Laura Gael Sweeney and was made in Italy exactly 30 years ago. 



Building Saint Francis of Assisi

and the Animals He Loved

 Photo by Pierangelo Tosi

 STEP 1: First, a drawing of Saint Francis and the animals was produced. Second, the glass was hand-picked by Pierangelo Tosi, and then it was cut into precise pieces with the care of a real craftsman. What beautiful colors with natural lines in the glass! This colorful piece can be commissioned for homes, businesses, and churches. No two Tiffany glasses made in Italy are exactly the same.

 Photo by P. Tosi.

 STEP 2: Copper is added to connect the glass pieces together.

 Photo thanks to P. Tosi.

 STEP 3: This step is also known as the welding step. Note the tools to the right. Pierangelo Tosi meticulously welds all the pieces with the utmost care and attention to perfection. Such craftsmanship is not easily found as it is in Tosi's art studio!


 Photo by P. Tosi.

 STEP 3: Here we see the patina along with the paintbrush used to achieve magnificent results. Pierangelo Tosi has also restored antique Italian murals so he pays a lot of attention to detail, even at the patina stage.

 The Movie

The Book in Italian Language 

The Book in English 


 Glass Art Enjoying Literature

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