You are welcome to contact Laura to discussed and order commissioned artworks. Some of the art on these pages is still available, but if you see something that you like, she can create an artwork that pleases you. In addition to paintings, there are also stained glass designs, painted glass, mosaics, digital art, and more.
You can place a custom order for a chakra necklace like this one in the photo. It has been hand painted by Laura Sweeney. The beads are made from chakra stones.

Custom Made Necklaces

Order Them Here

You are welcome to order a custom-made necklace that is made to your specifications. Please write to me, Laura G Sweeney, at to order a necklace made especially for you. It will be very different from the necklace that you see in the photo. You can choose the colors, the stones, and the painted designs. You can also have chakra stones inserted into your necklace. The price is typically $200.

I can paint a necklace similar to this one for you. It will cost $200, and that includes shipping. The beads are natural gemstones.
The necklace above was designed and beaded by Pierangelo Tosi. Laura Sweeney (pictured in the photo) designed and painted the wooden beads. (2023)
The necklace above is an elephant chakra necklace with 7 chakra stones. This necklace was beaded by P. Tosi.
This necklace by Pierangelo Tosi was made of natural gemstones. The wooden beads were painted by Laura Sweeney in 2023.
Gemstone necklace designed and handmade by Pierangelo Tosi in 2023.
Flower photograph taken by Laura Gail Sweeney in October 2023
Photograph of flower by Laura Gail Sweeney, taken in October 2023.
This amethyst necklace was designed by Laura Sweeney and beaded by Pierangelo Tosi in 2023.
Quartz crystal necklace made by Pierangelo Tosi in 2023. He added some cracked glass spheres to the design.
This red necklace made of pure gemstones was made by hand by Pierangelo Tosi in 2023.
Laura is wearing the red gem necklace designed and beaded by Pierangelo Tosi.
In the photo above, Laura is wearing a quartz crystal necklace that was re-beaded by Pierangelo Tosi, who added 6 round, cracked-glass beads to the design. (2023)