Alpine Love Catcher
Designed and Copyrighted by Pierangelo Tosi * New Poems Below by Laura G. Sweeney
Words by Laura Sweeney
The Alpine Love Catcher represents purity of love that abounds any time one encounters nature along a mountain trail. One cannot help but feel pangs of passion when traveling into the Alpine wilderness and encountering bright sunlight. As the light of the sun sparkles over the peaks, one senses magic inherent in this experience shared by generations of travelers. Such love is innate in the heart of the creative explorer. The Beloved Alps remain forever one with the traveler. Delightful rays of sunlight pass through the colored stained glass into the pilgrim's vision as a reminder of that most eternal experience!
I can't think of a better way to honor a Beloved person than with the Alpine Love Catcher, a tribute to love, light, beauty, and nature! The craftsman, Pierangelo Tosi, has successfully captured the essence of the experience in simplicity of shape and form!
Enjoy some fine music along with
images of the Alpine Love Catcher!
Original Drawing by Pierangelo Tosi
Copyright 2014
I Will Always Love You Instrumental
by Richard Clayderman
Enjoy a little love today and forever!
by Laura G. Sweeney
Two circles enjoin
Two stars burst forth joyously
Waves glide to unite
light bursting through them
Red glows from the heartfelt core
Love forevermore.
The Alpine Pinwheel Sun Catcher, the Alpine Love Catcher, and the Alpine Edelweiss Sun Catcher, all by Italian artisan, Pierangelo Tosi. 2014.
The Alpine Love Catcher has been custom crafted for the love of your life!
Alpine Love Catchers will always remind the world of your true love!
Write: Laurasweeneywrites@gmail.com
Have faith that you will arrive at the highest peaks!
Enjoy the excitement of the Alps!
Alpine Love Catcher Sonnet
by Laura G. Sweeney
Alpine Love Catchers convey Joy of Light
They bring great color into quiet lives
And fill the lovers' hearts with pure delight!
From the Piemonte where culture thrives,
Each Alpine Love Catcher is made with care
For it will travel far and everywhere
And its maker's pride and heart will be there
Shining bright light that so brilliantly glares.
There's something purely magical along
Those mountains so clean and pure snow white
That all colors of the rainbow belong
And are reflected there in the great lights.
A circle fills the middle brilliantly
As round waves move afar blissfully!
Live the Italian tradition of love!
Copyright 2014 by Pierangelo Tosi
Glass Art Enjoying Literature
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