You are welcome to contact Laura to discussed and order commissioned artworks. Some of the art on these pages is still available, but if you see something that you like, she can create an artwork that pleases you. In addition to paintings, there are also stained glass designs, painted glass, mosaics, digital art, and more.

Alpine Dream Lights

Original Design by Master Craftsman, Pierangelo Tosi

The pink lamp is currently under construction.

 The Alpine Dream Light enhances the night as it fills one's room with a colorful, spiritual ambiance. In part, it is reminiscent of the stained glass windows of an antique Italian cathedral. 

 Alpine Dream Lights come in "his" and "hers" versions with blue and pink for couples, a great gift for newlyweds!

These lamps are available as single lamps or in pairs. Each lamp is custom made for the buyer. 

To the right we see the Alpine Light in all of its luminosity and brilliance! The luminous focus is in the center of a wheel and a six-pointed star. An asymmetrical organic line flows around these center elements to create movement reminiscent of nature. 

Call or write us to place an order. We create everything from His-and-Hers Alpine Lights to Sun-Catchers. We will be glad to discuss your special project or the modification of a standard design.


Contact Us

 The Alpine Lights may be turned to create various transparent and opaque light effects as layers of glass overlap and create new shapes and tonalities.

 To the left we see how the marbleized opaque layer has some transparent areas that permit the circle on the other side to show through in order to create an ingenious composition. Pierangelo Tosi is the innovator who invented this fabulous design with three-dimensional aspects!

 I think Pierangelo Tosi is a genius both in craftsmanship and design!

- Laura Sweeney

Copyright 2015 

Website Design by Laura G Sweeney.

Glass Art Enjoying Literature