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Original Daffodil Medallion by Pierangelo Tosi 2015
Medallions and Plaques
Designs by Pierangelo Tosi
In addition to creating stained glass art, Pierangelo Tosi is now working on a new collection of glass medallions, plaques, and ornaments to bring beauty into the home environment. Tosi employs a glass-fusion technique to produce such fine works in various shapes and colors. Some designs are simple and elegant (like the 16-Clover), whereas others are much more complex. More work is coming soon on this page so stay tuned for more of our virtual art gallery.
St. Patrick's Kiln for Glass Fusion, 2015
Working with a creative artist like Pierangelo Tosi has changed my life forever. I have never met such a talented graphic artist who has all of the technical skills and the "know how" to accomplish a finished product from small-scale to large-scale projects. These small, fused-glass designs could be integrated very well into larger cathedral stained glass for businesses, homes, and cathedrals. If you take the time to discuss a project in depth with him, I imagine he could accomplish about anything.
Digital collage with the GAEL Clover designs by Pierangelo Tosi.
Collage arrangement by Laura Sweeney. I enjoy posting collages like this one on Facebook.
Delightful Christmas Gifts!
Sweet, little stars, dolcissimi! April 2015.
GAEL Magic!
Look at what just came out of the oven!
Medallions come in all shapes and sizes!
Exciting new GAEL Glass takes birth in the magical fires of the Italian oven! Feel free to inquire about prices or to order a custom design.
We are always cooking up new designs!
Handmade Medallion Designed and Made by Pierangelo Tosi, March 2015
GAEL Clover with Rainbow, by Pierangelo Tosi, April 4, 2015.
Simple & Elegant Medallion by Pierangelo Tosi, March 2015
These beautiful artworks come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. We will continue to add more examples to this site so we hope you will continue to visit us and even give us a call through Skype to share some input and suggestions.
Click the Skype "S" here to call to ask questions. We would love to discuss art with you.
Experimental glass fusion by Laura Sweeney
Glass Art Enjoying Literature
In 2014, Pierangelo Tosi coined the name "Glass Art Enjoying Literature". That is exactly how we chose the acronym GAEL Glass. Much of our glass art is based upon literature and readings that we have done. Most of the remainder is spontaneous, expressive art. All of the glass art is hand cut, one piece at a time, by an excellent craftsman. The linear designs are created either by Pierangelo Tosi or by Laura G. Sweeney, separately or together, as a creative team.
Webmaster: wsglartnow@gmail.com
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