You are welcome to contact Laura to discussed and order commissioned artworks. Some of the art on these pages is still available, but if you see something that you like, she can create an artwork that pleases you. In addition to paintings, there are also stained glass designs, painted glass, mosaics, digital art, and more.

 Art inspired by the book entitled "The Goldfinch" by Donna Tartt


 Tiffany Glass and Ceramic Paintings of a Goldfinch

Stained Glass Art and Photo by Pierangelo Tosi

Copyright 2014 

 Stained Glass by Pierangelo Tosi           Made in Italy               Copyright 2015

 An insect or a bruise on a piece of fruit has a secret meaning in it, a meaning about the temporality of life. People might reflect more on the impermanent beauty of nature, the experience of living in the moment. 

Thoughts on the Book, 

"The Goldfinch"


thrives and 

speaks to us across the 


touching readers of 

"The Goldfinch"

Art speaks to us all, no 

matter how desperate we are, 

regardless of our age, our race, or our setting.

Adriaen Coorte, the Dutch painter and northern master of the Golden Age, was never recognized during his lifetime. We learn from the reading that he was not discovered until the 1950s. It is quite amazing that people do not recognize artists in their own lifetimes. There might be geniuses among us when we are not observant enough to recognize them.


Below one sees the difference between a ceramic painting and Tiffany glass. It's a lot of fun to compare and match the two mediums. A Tiffany sun catcher or window would make an excellent pairing with a large ceramic plate to hang on the nearby wall!

 In the tradition of "The Goldfinch" Painting, we have designed a Goldfinch Tiffany Glass as well as a Goldfinch Ceramic Plate. The Goldfinch Art conveys delightful hidden meanings conveyed through playful symbolism.

 In the art-in-progress below, it is apparent Pierangelo Tosi utilized excellent contrast between darks and lights in addition to contrast between shapes, textures, and transparencies. I can't wait to see what this Tiffany glass art will be like once complete!


For more information


 Plate by Laura Gael Sweeney

We are reading the book entitled “The Goldfinch” by Donna Tartt. One important point that she makes in the fictive book is that even what seems to be an insignificant piece of art makes important observations about life itself. We must remember to enjoy the moments, to appreciate nature, flowers, birds, and all that surrounds us. Furthermore, there is a good chance an artist has an underlying message in his (even her) work.

When an artist emphasizes a portion of the design or distorts a form, he/she probably wishes to convey something to the viewer. Tartt’s underlying messages in her book run parallel to the Goldfinch Tiffany Glass and the Goldfinch Ceramic Art.


You may decide to order this excellent book here:

 Photo by Laura Gael Sweeney

 Glass Art Enjoying Literature


Please, ask permission to publish our designs.
