I am so proud of these Good Luck Wind Chimes by Pierangelo Tosi! Not only are they pretty, but they also sound nice in the wind!
I am so proud of these Good Luck Wind Chimes by Pierangelo Tosi! Not only are they pretty, but they also sound nice in the wind!
Beautiful Mistletoe sun-catchers designed and made by Pierangelo Tosi. These are perfect gifts to hang very high in a room so as to get a kiss from one’s sweetheart!
The Day of St. Francis, Oct. 3, 2015.
Stained Glass Designed and Dedicated to St. Francis, design by Laura G. Sweeney & Pierangelo Tosi. Craftsmanship by artisan Pierangelo Tosi. E-mail:
This exquisite, Italian bottle chime with the lucky four-leaf clover was made by artisan Pierangelo Tosi and it can be ordered at GAEL Glass. Http://
You should hear the soothing and meditative sounds of this Italian bottle chime.
These beautiful glass medallions were hand made and fired by Pierangelo Tosi on July 18-19, 2015. These commemorate a very special event. He will soon put chains and/or frames around them. You can order these medallions at or write to:
By GAEL Glass
“Carnevale Italiano” by P. Tosi & L. Sweeney, July 12, 2015. This artwork was made out of fused glass in a semi-cubist style. It is a completely original design that calls attention to the Venetian Glass Tradition. This are is made out of fused glass, a process of cutting the pieces, fitting them together, and hearing them in a glass oven. In some ways it is similar to Tiffany because the pieces have been fitted together. Then colored glass dots were sprinkled on top and rustic, black lines were painted. Pierangelo Tosi cut the glass and fabricated the final piece. This original artwork will be for sale for the price of $1900. GAEL Glass can be found at For more information, write us at:
These are three of my graduate degrees. I have another degree in Italian. I seek opportunities as a freelance writer and English teacher by means of the Internet. Skype: Laura.gael.sweeney
I also have a Skype telephone number to work internationally.
A Big Bouquet of Flowers by Pierangelo Tosi, artisan of excellence! Http://
Collage by L. Sweeney
Glass Daffodil by Pierangelo Tosi. Made in Italy.
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